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E-book writing basics

You might be thinking, "No way, I can't write a book."


You are wrong.


If you can write an article, you can write books, e-Books, and special reports using the same system.


Think about it. Each chapter in a non-fiction e-Book is equivalent to a long article. The skills you developed writing articles are the same as the skills you need to write an e-Book.


But, why should you write an e-book?

It's simple. Information products are the easiest products to sell online. You write it once, and your work is done. Your e-Book can be delivered to your customer automatically. All you have to do is cash the checks.


OK, maybe it isn't quite that easy. e-Books are fast to complete and fast to get to market. There is no inventory to stock. No shipping costs. Start-up costs are low. The delivery process can be automated.


e-Books can also be made into audio products and sold as downloads on e-Bay, iTunes and soon on Amazon.com. You can get your e-Book recorded very affordably by a professional at HearYourBook.com.


Here's the catch

Aside from actually writing your e-Book, there is one aspect that will take some work and some skill: Marketing.


You will need a plan for selling your e-Book. If your potential readers do not know it exists, they can't buy it. This means that your probably need an effective sales page and some good marketing ideas. Everything you need to know is available for free online. All you have to do is search.


If you have to hire someone to put up your sales page and set up your sales process, it is worth the small investment…and just about the only monetary investment you will have to make.


Back to writing: your table of contents comes first

Write your Table of Contents first, and use it as an outline for your book. Treat each chapter as an article and follow the same steps that you would take to complete an article.


There is one difference. Instead of striving to get your point across in a concise manner as you would when writing an article, expand on each topic. Take your time and explore each point completely.


When writing an article, especially for publication on the Internet, you need to use short sentences and short paragraphs. Sentences and paragraphs can be longer in an e-Book.


Spend a lot of time with the Table of Contents. Make your chapter titles interesting and follow a logical progression.


If you can't complete, delete!

As you write your e-Book, you will get some new ideas and some of your original ideas won't seem right. Good! You are in charge. Just use your delete key and eliminate the chapters you no longer want to write and substitute the new chapter titles.


There's no stress here. Just pick and choose what you will write about and skip the parts you are stuck on. You may find it easier to write about those topics when you come back to them later.